The Spirit of Giving

2023 Scholarship Recipient Spotlight: Grant Shook

Posted by Rachel Jarvis on Tue, Jul 18, 2023

Grant Shook  The Community Foundation for Crawford County is pleased to introduce Grant  Shook, a 2023 recipient of one of the two James E. Huggins, Sr. and Margaret  M. Huggins Agricultural Scholarship awards, one of the six L. Earl Smith  Scholarship Fund awards, and one of the four Robert Schwaderer Scholarship  awards.

 Grant, the son of Brent Shook and Sandra Shook, is a 2019 graduate of Buckeye  Central High School. He will be entering his first year of a doctoral program to  obtain his Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine at The Ohio State University this  fall.


What is your favorite aspect of college life?

"My favorite aspect of college life is getting the opportunity to meet new people, while also learning about a topic that I'm passionate about."

What new interest or courses of study have you discovered at college?

"During my time at Ohio State, I have found a new interest in dairy medicine. I always knew I wanted to be a large animal veterinarian, but I was never sure if there was a specifical animal that I enjoyed learning about the most until I started to take classes on dairy cattle and the dairy industry."

In what ways has the college experience changed/improved you?

"My college experience has definitely changed me in the form of making me more outgoing and willing to talk to new people in a social and work setting."

What advice would you give an incoming college freshman?

"I would tell them to go out and make new friends within your major and outside of your major. You never know who you will meet."

What is one item on your bucket list?

"One thing on my bucket list is to travel out west on my vet school rotations and learn how vets practice in that part of the U.S."


To learn more about the scholarships offered through the Foundation, visit 

Tags: Crawford County, Scholarship, Community Foundation, Donate, philanthropy, foundation, TCF4CC, Scholarship Recipient Spotlight, Giving, Education