The Spirit of Giving

2023 Scholarship Recipient Spotlight: Hayli Anderson

Posted by Rachel Jarvis on Tue, Aug 01, 2023

Hayli Anderson  The Community Foundation for Crawford County is pleased to introduce Hayli  Anderson, a 2023 recipient of the six Arlene H. Smith Scholarship awards.

 Hayli, the daughter of Robert Donald Anderson and Samanda May Anderson, is  a 2023 graduate of Galion High School. She will be attending Ashland  University this fall and studying Nursing.




What inspired you to choose your intended major?

"I was initially inspired to choose nursing as my major because I have always been passionate about taking care of others. Whether it is making sure they are emotionally okay or physically well, it is always important to me that the people around me are cared for. This sparked my interest to pursuing a major in nursing. If I like helping the people around me, imagine how many other people I can help around the world. One of my goals after I become a nurse is to be able to travel around the country and world to help those in need. Ironically, Grey's Anatomy is my favorite TV show at the moment and seeing how some of the characters traveled to help heal people was very inspiring. It opened my eyes because it showed me how many ways you can help just be being in the medical field. There are countless options and opportunities. There are also so many paths I can choose to explore."

What are your career and life goals after you graduate?

"My career goals after I graduate is to become an RN to help with local hospitals around my area. One of my bigger goals is to become a travel nurse and fly to different places to help many people in need. I find this goal extra exciting because it allows me to go from place to place and to have different experiences. My life goals, however, involve me staying close to my hometown to start a family. Although this intervenes with my career, I think my life and career goals can both be obtained if I put my mind to it and follow what I truly want."


Congratulations and good luck in the future, Hayli!

To learn more about the scholarships offered through the Foundation, visit

Tags: Crawford County, Scholarship, Community Foundation, Donate, philanthropy, foundation, TCF4CC, Scholarship Recipient Spotlight, Giving, high school graduate, Education