The Spirit of Giving

Foundation Grants More than $322,000 to Crawford County Organizations

Posted by Lisa Workman on Wed, Dec 23, 2020

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Since March, The Community Foundation for Crawford County has awarded COVID-19 Emergency Response grants, Competitive grants, a Special Recognition grant, and Emergency Fund food pantry grants to local charitable organizations and municipalities. These awards totaled $322,644 and included the following recipients:


COVID-19 Emergency Response grants went to the following:

    • Bucyrus Outreach and Restoration Network (BORN) — $10,000 towards emergent housing, prescriptions, work readiness, barrier removal and administrative costs
    • Crawford County Community Concert Association - $5,000 relief support towards the booking of performers for future concerts
    • Emmanuel’s Bread - $12,500 for Crestline Schools Weekend Food Backpack Program and Emergency Food Pantry
    • Humane Society Serving Crawford County - $1,000 towards operational funds
    • Avita Health Foundation - $10,000 for pandemic related health care preparation and services
    • YMCA of Bucyrus-Tiffin, Inc. - $10,000 for relief efforts for childcare
    • Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio - $1,000 for meals for Crawford County guest families
    • Galion Community Center YMCA – $2,800 towards pandemic child care operational funds
    • Father’s Heart Healing His Hands Extended Soup Kitchen - $1,500 for two new refrigerators for food pantry
    • Crestline Historical Society - $911 for Directors and Officers Insurance
    • Galion Historical Society - $1,800 for operational funds
    • Prevailing Word Ministry in Motion - $3,000 for rent, utilities and food for families
    • Crestline St. Joseph Catholic School - $1,500 for awning protection for those waiting to enter building during temperature and mask checks
    • Crawford County Public Health - $500 for pandemic thermometers
    • Family and Community Services - $1,400 for iPads for RSVP volunteers virtually mentoring Galion Middle School students
    • Bucyrus Backpack Program - $2,000 for food items for weekend meals for qualified students attending Bucyrus, Wynford, Colonel Crawford and Fairway Preschool
    • #Giving2sdayNOW - $25,000 awarded to participating non-profit organizations to help cover operational costs at no cost to them

Competitive Grants went to the following:

    • Village of Crestline - $30,000 as a last dollars raised matching grant for swimming pool repairs
    • American Red Cross - $3,326 for new blood scales for blood collections in Crawford County and $5,100 for financial assistance for Crawford County disaster victims
    • Alpha Recovery 12-Step Program - $1,316 for upgrades to three computer work stations
    • North Central State College Foundation - $9,339 to provide graduate coursework for one high school teacher to become dual credentialed and teach at the NCSC Crawford Success Center
    • Galion Community Center YMCA - $2,833 for two first aid/CPR/AED training kits
    • Wynford Local School District - $2,110 towards new Weatherbug station
    • Avita Health Foundation - $10,000 towards capital projects at Avita Health Bucyrus
    • Crawford Partnership - $50,000 towards the Freese Center
    • Crawford Works - $30,000 for facilitators, coaches and workshop materials to assist program participants in achieving economic self-sufficiency through employment
    • YMCA of Bucyrus-Tiffin, Inc. - $50,000 towards pool repair
    • #Giving2sday - $25,000 to award funds participating in the Foundation’s annual fundraiser, distributed on a prorated basis


A Special Recognition Grant went to the following:

    • $500 to the Colonel Crawford School Endowment Fund

Grants from the Emergency Fund for Food Pantries went to the following:

    • First Baptist Church – New Hope Community Church Food Pantry - $1,000
    • Bucyrus United Methodist Church of God’s Open Table and God’s Open Pantry - $1,000
    • New Day Ministries Food Pantry - $1,000
    • Salvation Army - $1,000
    • Paul United Methodist Church Food Pantry - $1,000
    • Prevailing Word Ministry in Motion Food Pantry - $500
    • John’s Lutheran Church Food Pantry - $1,000
    • Galion Grace Brethren Church Gifts of Love Pantry - $3,000

The first competitive grant cycle deadline for 2021 is December 31, 2020, with grants to be awarded in the spring. The Foundation will be keeping its COVID-19 Emergency Response Grant application available in 2021 as well.

Nonprofit organizations receiving grants from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act being administered by the Foundation will be announced soon.


Tags: Crawford County, Grants, Community Foundation, philanthropy, Award, foundation, TCF4CC, Giving